Assalamualaikum and Hi to all my frens and customer (still fren kan). why sorry????? As u all know (mungkin tak semua tahu kot) mama si bebe d ni menerima tempahan baju smocking since last year mostly secara online.
and then there's one time im very busy coz i have to work (part time job, ganti org maternity leave maaa) so i ask one lady that i know to jahit baju yang i dah siap smock. and much much later one of my customer (and also a fren now) bagitau, one of her fren tak puas hati kat baju smocking (second tempahan). dia kata jahitan tak sama.
firstly im very sorry. i dont meant to sub kan tugas menjahit to somebody else. but masa tu sangat busy and i did inform to the customer first. yes my fault as i should check the QUALITY dulu as not everybody can assemble baju smocking nicely(cheh perasan la diri can assemble it nicely..hahahaha..sorry)
Maaf kat
kak Nor. masa tu rasanye few baju
anese pun lady tu jahitkan.
aween, sebab kali ni baju u delay.
and baju kawan
mak farhah delay ke middle march.
ni semua delay coz i will not ask somebody else to assemble baju yg i dah siap smock dah. and yerr busy kerja la kali ni. even kerja part time pun.
kak Miza sebab bagitau to me pasal quality.
Thanks mak farhah for the nasihat.
yes better to tell the truth dari bagi memacam alasan. hahahahaha. can i say the posmen sakit? hahahaha